
The Great East Coast Earthquake

Five years ago today, this region experienced a historic event: The Great East Coast Earthquake.


With a magnitude of 5.8 and an epicenter in Mineral, Va. (less than 100 miles from VMI), the quake was felt across 12 states (and into Canada). See below for a few interesting facts and articles about the earthquake, as well as some books and e-books we have on earthquake-related topics:

  • More people felt this earthquake than any other in U.S. history (Horton 2012).
  • Researchers examining a random sample of Twitter feeds found that the first tweet about the earthquake occurred 54 seconds after it hit (Crooks et al. 2013).
  • Dolphins at the National Aquarium in Baltimore exhibited unusual behavior up to 60 seconds before the earthquake was felt by their trainers (Turner et al. 2014).

Horton, J.W. 2012. “The 2011 Virginia Earthquake: what are scientists learning (PDF).” EOS, Transactions of the American Geophysical Union 93(33):317-324.
Crooks, A., A. Croitoru, A. Stefanidis, and J. Radzikowski. 2013. “#Earthquake: Twitter as a distributed sensor system (PDF).” Transactions in GIS 17(1):124-147.
Turner, M.R., C. Turner, S. Hunter, and M. Day. 2014. “Observed reactions of Atlantic bottlenose dolphins at the National Aquarium during the 2011 Virginia earthquake.” Marine Mammal Science 31(2):726-733.